Suppliers' code of conduct

Reykjavík Energy and its subsidiaries Veitur Utilities, ON Power, Reykjavík Fibre Network and Carbfix support the Global Compact, a United Nations international agreement based on several other international treaties. In doing so, the companies have committed to ensuring that their policies and practices are in line with principles regarding, human rights, the labour market, the environment, and anti-corruption measures. UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 12 on Responsible Consumption and Production, which includes responsible public procurement, is prioritised by Reykjavík Energy.

Accordingly, Reykjavík Energy and its subsidiaries require their suppliers, i.e. companies and individuals who provide Reykjavík Energy or the subsidiaries with products or services, to comply with these principles and that their respective suppliers comply with them as well. Upon request, the supplier shall confirm that this Code of Conduct is honoured.

Code of conduct for suppliers of Reykjavík Energy and subsidiaries



Why is suppliers' code of conduct being set?

It's important not only to do the right things but also to do them right. Corporate social responsibility is precisely that, and then it is not enough to look only at one's own operations but also at the supplies to it. Companies are increasingly responsible for their value chain. With the suppliers’ Code, the companies of Reykjavík Energy seek to have an overview of the companies' value chain and influence it.

What happens if my company does not sign?

We list in our supplier list whether companies have committed to the code of conduct. In tenders, price surveys or price inquiries, we will look at whether the supplier in question has confirmed that he will follow the Code. We regard the supplier’s failure to do so as lack of interest in having business with Reykjavík Energy.

Does it affect the evaluation of an offer from my company if we do not sign the code?

When bidding in formal tenders, suppliers specifically confirm that they are subject to requirements in alignment with the Code and often stricter requirements in individual categories. We are now going to make corresponding demands on all purchases and will consider that an offer is invalid if the supplier has not committed to the Code.